Monday, April 2, 2012

Some Places That I've Been


Keekee Deeks said...

Awesome, Ruthie!! How do I "like" you on FB. BTW, Otis & I are friends.

Ruthie Rader said...

I think it's all fine and good to "like" me on Facebook. However, I have a limited "doorway" on Facebook. I prefer it that way. If you do not see a "like" button anywhere on the page, then I suppose you will have to like me as most people do: without pushing a button. You can always send me a "friend request" but please note that I might not accept it. I don't honor them very often. I have a nice little group on Facebook and I plan to keep it that way. As for Otis, well, I'll have to ask Andy and Barney about that.