Monday, September 19, 2016

Update September 2016

I am still hitchhiking...and I am now 61 years old. My feet swell, my knees ache and I sit in a walker/wheeler now while I wait for someone to pull over and offer me a ride.

I traveled to Illinois and back this year. I spent time hanging out in Montana and
Iowa along the way.

And this year, for the first time...I was told by the powers-that-be that I can no longer hitchhike through Wisconsin or Illinois. The walls are slowly closing in on one more long-standing
freedom in the United States.

I am back out in Oregon now...where hitchhiking is more acceptable. And after spending two
oppressive months in the heat of Eastern Oregon...I moved over to the Western side again. While
I was in the Vale area, nary a drop fell from the sky. Now that I have returned to the West
Coast, it sprinkles or outright pours every day. It is lush and green here. Compared to the high desert in Malheur County, this area is a hydrated

People still stop and pick me up and they take me home to their house. I also slept in a church building, rest areas and a converted school bus this year.

If  you have any questions, send them to me via email:

I will probably respond.

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