Monday, September 3, 2012

Ruthie: The Real Thing

I came across a hitchhiker's blog, today, that it is so inane and strange that I refuse to post the link to it, here.

Where do people like that guy come from?


He keeps asking to meet "a woman with children" (pedophile, anyone?) He drinks "wild turkey" while on the road (translation: STUPID!). He is asking for someone to sponsor him and film his hitchhiking. He says that one of the requirements of the deal is to include a "female experienced in the martial arts" (say what?!). And he claims that "two people have a better chance of getting a ride than one person does" (, that is totally untrue).

In short, the guy is an idiot.

And he wants someone to film him while he is on the road and broadcast his exploits? Oh, Hell NO!!

That moron couldn't represent a real hitchhiker anymore than I could represent an astronaut.

And he wants to put his foolish, stumbling, jackass act on the air?

I've been on the road since 1993. And if anybody wants to film a hitchhiker, I'll put my eighteen-years of experience up against that witless wanker, anytime.

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